Is Kratom legal in Virginia?
The state of Virginia happens to be one of the states that have legalized Kratom within its state lines. But this doesn’t mean that it has been all rosy for the supplement in the Old Dominion. In fact, in 2020, the Board of Pharmacy considered a motion to review the supplement in order to decide its legal status in the state.
Kratom also referred to as Mitragyna speciosa Is a supplement that originally comes from countries within the southeast Asian region – Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. has gained rapid popularity within the western countries over the last few years.
Today, in the United States the federal government has left it up to each state to determine how they want to regulate the supplement. In certain states like Vermont, Indiana, and Rhode Island, the supplement is legal. While in other regions like Sarasota County in Florida, the supplement is legal. This means the supplement is legal in all parts of the state except for Sarasota County. Finally, we have the states that have chosen to legalize Kratom, and the state is Virginia is a member of this great list. Kratom is free to use across the state including the major cities such as Richmond, Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Roanoke, and Alexandria.
Kratom Legislation In Virginia
As we mentioned earlier, Kratom is currently legal in the state of Virginia. However, a bill was proposed to the state’s board of pharmacy asking it to conduct a study on the supplement and make a recommendation to its legal status within the state. This bill because of the 91 kratom overdose cases and increased calls relating to Kratom to the poison control center. The isolated data although worrying to the lawmakers looks different when looked at from a big picture point of view.
There are indeed 91 cases on record from the CDC that died from Kratom-linked overdoses. But in most of those cases, other substances were not ruled out as well. Dr. Jack Henningfield is the primary physician behind the Kratom 8-factor analysis. He also provided an extensive letter showing the flaws in the report including the fact that there has been no data that ascertain the kratom was pure. In addition, the reports were verbal which bring up accuracy and credibility issues.
If the bill had passed, the state’s board of Pharmacy would have needed to:
- Determine the number of issues linked to kratom within Virginia.
- The number of kratom buyers in Virginia.
- The benefits that kratom has to offer.
- Issues if kratom is added to the controlled substance list.
- How kratom should be scheduled if the Board of Pharmacy decides to ban this herb.
This pending legislation holds the fate of kratom in Virginia. However, some alternatives could come into play that may save kratom from banning. The Kratom Consumer Protection Act aims to regulate the industry. With this act in place, consumers would receive higher quality products with protection against synthetic forms of kratom.
The American Kratom Association is working with all states to help them adopt the KCPA. The best thing you can do is offer your support. Be sure that you follow this pending legislation, as you do not want to illegally use kratom.
Classification Of Kratom In Virginia
Currently, Kratom is not classified within the state of Virginia. Save for that one bill with the previous presentation to the state’s Board of Pharmacy, Kratom is free of any current or pending legislation.
As a Kratom vendor, we take immense pride in being about to clarify some misunderstandings surrounding Kratom while offering the best information about it, how to use it, its effects, and so on. if you want to read more about Kratom, you can check out our other articles here and you can check out our store here to go through our wide range of premium Kratom options available.
We hope you’ve learned more about if kratom is legal in Virginia in 2023 thanks to this blog.