White Maeng Da vs White Thai vs White Sumatra – White Vein Kratom
White Thai, White Sumatra, White Maeng Da… after hearing about all these strains, you might ask yourself: isn’t all white vein kratom the same? It’s not! Did you know that the effects might slightly vary from one strain to another? Knowing the differences between White Maeng Da, White Thai, and White Sumatra is an excellent […]
What Are The Effects Of Red Maeng Da Vs Red Bali?
Red vein kratom is famous worldwide for its strong soothing, relaxing, and sedating properties that work wonders when it comes to targeting discomfort and tension. Although all strains of red vein kratom share quite a few similarities (they all have a relaxing & stress-reducing effect on the body), they also have some differences between them […]
What Does Maengda Mean
There are a lot of unfamiliar terms associated with kratom, and that can be confusing.