What are the benefits of soaps? I think every one of us knows about its uses as we have been using them since our childhood. Though, do you know that when we use natural soaps, it not only cleanses our body but also cures several skin problems?
These days people are getting addicted to synthetic products and they are suffering a lot due to that. So, instead of going for these products, it is better to go for natural ones.
Because of this, natural soaps are becoming a new sensation for those consumers who are now bored of the old plain soaps that don’t provide any added benefits.
As of now, the natural soap industry is commercialized at a whole new level and these soaps are being sold at high prices that surely aren’t easy on everyone’s pockets.
Among all the natural soaps, kratom soap is gaining huge popularity and is also considered one of the most versatile products that you can have in your arsenal. Kratom soap is made from a very useful herb called kratom, also known as Mitragyna Speciosa.
Today we are going to help you discover how you can make this super beneficial natural soap known as kratom soap, right in your own home. However, before you get disgusted by the thought of putting kratom in your DIY natural soap, let me tell you briefly about kratom and its benefits.
What Is Kratom?
Kratom (pronounced “kra-tum”) is a herbal supplement, similar to green tea or black tea, that has been used as a pain reliever and mood enhancer in Southeast Asia for centuries.
It is a tropical tree that grows in Southeast Asia. The tree itself has been around for thousands of years and has been used since then for medicinal purposes to treat many ailments.
The leaves of the tree have been used to make a variety of products including teas, cakes, cookies, capsules, and even soaps.
Kratom leaves contain mitragynine which is an alkaloid that gives the leaves their color and also has analgesic properties like stimulating the immune system. This alkaloid also helps in reducing inflammation and alleviating pain.
Kratom is primarily used for recreational purposes and not for medical supervision by doctors, although kratom may have some pain-relieving properties when taken at low doses—much like coffee or tea.
Entering the US market with little regulation (and lots of confusing information), kratom has become a controversial substance that’s been increasingly scrutinized—but there are still plenty of questions that haven’t yet been answered by an official ruling on its legality.
Benefits Of Using Kratom Soap
While using kratom as soap may be new to you, it’s fairly common for people in Southeast Asia because of its various beneficial properties.
1. Alleviate Various Skin Problems
The ketum extract gives the soap anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties so it’s often used to treat small skin issues. It may reduce itching, redness, and inflammation from bug bites, poison ivy, and sunburns.
You can also use these soaps to help cracked heels or any type of dry skin patches that you might have on your body. They not only help you in keeping your skin clean and clear but also helps you in getting rid of some minor skin issues.
Apart from this kratom soap contains other herbs such as peppermint oil, lavender oil, cajeput oil, lemongrass oil, and tea tree oil all of which are known to have antibacterial properties that help cure several skin problems.
2. Relieves Minor Muscle And Body Discomfort
Second, it’s a natural discomfort reliever, as anyone who’s ever breathed in the scent of fresh kratom leaves knows. Its discomfort-relieving properties make it an ideal treatment for muscle aches and joint issues associated with strains and sprains. Its therapeutic properties help ease those suffering, as it can be used to relieve muscle tension.
3. Acts As A Natural Moisturizer
At the same time, kratom soap is also a moisturizing body wash that’s great for everyday use—it’ll leave your skin feeling smooth and refreshed, not tight and dry like some other soaps on the market. Use it to get rid of that post-workout stink or to get through allergy season. You’ll also be able to use your kratom soap as an exfoliant on all parts of your body while taking shower, including your face!
Why Should You Make DIY Soaps?
So, you might be asking why someone would want to manufacture their soap when one can easily be purchased at a convenience store. There are numerous reasons to manufacture your soap. One reason is that it may be a highly pleasurable pastime. One of the things you can do to boost your general health is to do this.
Soap making is neither hard nor expensive. you can do it in the solace of your home with just limited items. The promising part is that you can use ingredients of your choice. This will allow you to properly tailor your soap to meet your specific requirements. However, you will have to do your research on every substance so that you can choose best one for you.
How To Make Kratom Soap At Home
Kratom soap is a relaxing soap that is used for reducing stress and making it easier to sleep. It can be used by both men and women. Kratom soap can also be used as everyday, all-purpose soap for the shower. While it is an interesting concept, many people wonder how to make kratom soap.
Making kratom soap is easy if you are familiar with making cold process or hot process soap. When making kratom soap, it is very important to use the correct tools and have the correct steps followed. The reason for this is that kratom can make people sick if not properly used. Soap making usually takes 1-3 days depending on what recipe is being used.
Before we start, we must first gather all of our tools and ingredients
- a scale
- measuring cups
- aluminum foil
- a crockpot or double boiler
- a stick blender
- an empty soap mold
- Glycerine or vegetable oil
- Essential oils
- Kratom powder of your choice
1. Choose The Base Of Your Soap
If you’ve done any reading about soap making, you’ll realize that there are two basic kinds of soap: glycerin and vegetable oil. Glycerin is a thick, sticky substance derived from fats and oils, while vegetable oil is a liquid at room temperature.
Glycerin acts as an emulsifier, helping to bind the ingredients together and produce a hard, long-lasting bar of soap. Vegetable oil is used as a moisturizing agent. Each type of base has benefits and pitfalls, but all are effective for creating herbal soaps.
2. Prepare The Soap Base
Melt the glycerin lumps in a double boiler. At around 115°F, this happens. On the off chance that you don’t have a double boiler then you can use this hack instead. Place one pot inside a bigger pot with a few inches of water. Heat until a smooth consistency is accomplished.
However, if you want to use vegetable oil as your base you have to mix your desired oil with an alkali (also comes by the name of “lye”) such as sodium hydroxide in a specific ratio. Be aware that lye is dangerous to the skin.
3. Prepare Molds
Silicone cleanser molds are usually accessible, however, silicone candy, sweets, biscuits, portion molds, or bakeware can get the job done.
When in doubt, a profound baking sheet or cake container can be utilized, and the bars can be sliced to estimate later. A little spritz of scouring liquor on the molds will assist with holding your soap back from rising while it fixes.
4. Add Active Compounds
Add the nourishing oils gently, mixing continuously to get an all-around mixed arrangement. Gradually mix in the glycerin, trying to scratch the lower part of the container to guarantee even dispersion. Eliminate the liquified soap container from the double boiler and switch it off. After that, slowly pour in your Kratom while mixing. Utilize powdered kratom at the last on the off chance that you’re using it.
5. Fill Your Molds
Carefully empty your cleanser into your molds. As you fill, mix. If fundamental, sprinkle any flotsam and jetsam, like dried bloom petals, all through the molds whenever you’re done. Spritz the highest points of your molds with scouring liquor to forestall air rises from defacing the surface.
6. Let It Rest For Curing
Permit your soap to solidify for something like 24 hours in a cool, dry place where it will not be distributed.
Your soap ought to be ready for use now, however certain olive-oil-weighty soaps might require a couple of days to solidify.
Bottom Line
DIY soaps are very easy to make and are as beneficial as ones available at stores. It doesn’t take much of your time and can be modified according to your preferences even if you are making it for yourself or as a gift for someone.
The benefits of handmade kratom soap make it an ideal gift for just about anyone in your life: friends and family, students away at college or on vacation, co-workers looking for something to pamper themselves with right after a long day at work—or even yourself. However, you should consider the quality of kratom powder to get the enhanced effects of this herbal soap.